13 September 2005

Breaking News: LA blacked out, Americans don't care

Tuesday is one of those days on which you reflect. For the next five months most Tuesdays will be spent reflecting on football, and that's great. But since last night's game wasn't too surprising, at least to those of us who knew Phily is filled with more suck than a Combo is filled with evil, The Empire would like to reflect on the fact that no one gives a crap about Los Angeles.

Remember in the 90's when everything coming out of L.A. was celebrated? Well, there was gangster rap, the Lakers, senseless violence, bigotry, Beverly Hills 90210, and O.J. Simpson; pop culture gold! But times have changed and lately the only thing coming out of L.A. is proof that the world is slowly marching toward a fiery end. For goodness sake, there hasn't been a Lethal Weapon movie in nearly a decade! These people have nothing to offer us.

So in response, The Empire elects Washington D.C. as the new "it" city. We don't know why, but it seems only appropriate since our nations capital is one of the most crime ridden, economically depressed, infrastructurally entangled cities in the country. Also, it's so cliche to pick New York, Boston, or Norman (that's Oklahoma.)

Anyhow, I feel as though we've run this little train of thought into the ground. Now I'd like to take suggestions from the crowd, assuming there is one.

What's on your mind world? The Empire had shark for dinner last night and it was delicious...
